St Michael & All Angels Anglican Church, Abagana

The remote origin of St. Michael and All Angels Church Parish Abagana was in 1936, when St. Peter's CMS Church Abagana acquired a parcel of land at Ofeozola Umudunu Abagana opposite the present Njikoka Local Government Headquarters, Abagana. This was informed by a long-felt need for Anglican Church presence in the administrative area of Abagana. The C.M.S. Central School Abagana, used the land as school farm from 1943 to a few years after the Nigeria/Biafra war. Because the central school had stopped using it as school farm the land suffered a lot of encroachments. In 1979, the Abagana Anglican People's Congress (AAPC) surveyed what was left of the land and fenced two sides of it. The AAPC, with Chief Polycarp Okolise (late) built a residential house and rented it out. Also the Anglican Youth Fellowship built a small house near the road leading to Nimo to be rented out as stores for commercial purposes. The intention was primarily to register ownership of the land, and secondly to generate fund for the church. However, serious and concerted efforts by the original owners of the land, and the land speculators to reclaim the land, forced St Peter's Church to quickly plant a church on the land.

Planting Of The Church

The idea of planting a church to safeguard the land was initiated by Dr. T.O. Okoye in 1994. His idea was bought by Mr. Sam C. Ezenwa and they decided to call some people to a meeting to discuss the issue. The first meeting was held on 24th October 1994 at Chief Sam Odoh's house. The following people attended the meeting: Dr. T.O. Okoye, Chief S.M. Odoh, Mr. C.S. Ezenwa, Chief Emma Modili, Mr. Felix Nwagbata, Mr. Obiora Anigbo, Mr. Stephen Onwuagana, Mr. Hez Okoye, Dr. Sam Okonkwo, Mr. Ben Okpata, Mrs. H.C. Ezenwa, Mrs. Rose Ezeanata and Miss Comfort Okonkwo.

The meeting resolved to establish a branch of St. Peter's Church at Ofeozala Enuora Umudunu Abagana to serve the Anglicans living around that area. After consultation with the Archdeacon Ven J.O.A. Emesi, who happily gave his approval, the matter was presented to the A.A.P.C at its meeting on December 27, 1994. After deliberating on the matter, the AAPC also gave its approval. The AAPC and the Youth Fellowship acceded to the request for their buildings on the land to be used for the establishment of the church and church teacher’s house respectively. The group in their subsequent meetings at Mr. Sam Ezenwa's house raised funds and set up a building committee headed by Chief Emma Modili to reconstruct the two buildings and this was done accordingly.

Opening Of The Church

The church was opened on Nov 1, 1995 being All Saints Day by Ven. Josiah O.A. Emesi the Archdeacon. The ceremony was very colourful, well attended by many dignitaries including Chief AAO. Ezenwa (Agbalanze Abagana). The Akanogu Women Dance Group entertained the audience. Pending the appointment of a church teacher, for the church, several members helped in conducting church services and/ or preaching the sermons. These include Mr. A.N.C. Ezekwesili, Mr. HNC. Okoye, Mr. G.C. Okafor Utosu, Mr. C.S. Ezenwa, Mr. S. Akile, Dr. T.O. Okoye. Miss. Comfort Okonkwo and Mrs. Hope Ezenwa.

Arrival of the First Church Teacher

In Jan 1996, Mr. Obidigbo Mgbemena (a staff of National Orientation Agency (NOA)) was posted to the church to serve as the first church teacher. In March 1996, the first Parochial Church Committee (PCC) was elected and Mr. Gideon Igboaka (late) was appointed the first Pastor's Warden, Mr. Christopher Okolo the first PCC secretary and youth leader; Mr. HNC Okoye the leader of the choir and Mrs. Theresa Igboaka the women leader. In August 1996 the Women's Home and Abroad Meeting took off with late Madam Selina Ezenwa as their President. The first chairman of Fathers' Fellowship was Mr. A.N.C Ezekwesili.

Naming of the Church

On September 27, 1996 the Bishop of Awka Diocese, Rt. Rev. Maxwell S.C Anikwenwa visited the Church during service and named it St. Michael and All Angels' Church, (and not All Saints Church as was being speculated by the members). Mr. Obidigbo was removed on December 17, 1997. The second Church Teacher, Mr. (now Rev.) Chigbo Onyeagolu arrived with his family on January 12, 1998. He was an experienced church teacher. He revitalized the PCC, and formed a fund raising committee which organized a very successful launching and the money realized was used to expand the church building, build pews, pulpit, reading desk, throne chair and Altar Rail. The wooden windows, were replaced with wider alumaco windows. He served for one and half years and left for Trinity College Umuahia.

Mr. Victor C. Okoli arrived on March 29, 2000 to replace Mr. Onyeagolu. Being familiar with youth activities he revitalized the Youth Fellowship, Boys Brigade, and Girls Guild. Mr. Okoli reconstructed the Nursery/Kindergarten school at Onyeanisi square. He was transferred after one year despite protests by church members that he should stay longer.

Mr. Eric Nwanagu took over from Mr. Okoli in February 2001. He started the children's church building before he was transferred in January 2002.

The fifth church teacher (incidentally the last Church teacher to man the church) Mr. Simon Anyaegbunam arrived with his family on January 7, 2002. He was an experienced church teacher, and was able to clear the arrears of church assessment.

There were serious problems in the church which resulted in the appointment of care-taker committee by His Grace. Most Revd. M.S.C Anikwenwa. Mr. Anyaegbunam was transferred to St. John's Church Abagana on January 22, 2003.

The Caretaker Committee

The young Church started experiencing problems barely six months after it was opened in November 1995. This was caused by the emergence of two major factions led by members of the PCC with divergent views and interests. The crisis which lasted for many years reached a level that on December 30, 2001 the Archbishop, His Grace, Most Revd. M.S.C Anikwenwa intervened and appointed an eight man caretaker committee led by Prof. Sir Eze Magulike, as chairman and Sir Dr. Anenye Okafor, Mrs. Ifeyinwa Okoye, Mr. Jerry Nwagbata, Mrs. Gloria Aniaeki, Mr. Raphael Lebechukwu, Mr. Augustine Ezeanata (now Sir) (Secretary) and Mr. Okey Nnebe as members. It took over and performed the functions of the Parochial Church Committee (P.C.C) for almost eight years before it was dissolved and a new P.C.C reconstituted. It is important to mention that despite the crisis, the work of God continued unabated and many developmental projects were completed during the period.

Arrival of the First Resident Priest

The first resident priest to be posted to the church was Rev (now Venerable) Gilbert O. Madubuike. He arrived with his family on January 24, 2003. During his time, the church recorded a lot of progress. He raised the tone of worship in the church and some people who had left for other churches started coming back. He restructured the five zones in the church to include men and women and introduced healthy competition among the zones during annual harvest thanksgiving. Through the efforts of Mr. (now Sir) Augustine Ezeanata, the church raised money from donations by members and purchased the first Gospel Band Instruments. Rev. Madubike obtained the approved building plan for the vicarage. The Home and Abroad Women led by Mrs. Ify Okoye started the building which was later completed with donations from other church members. On December 21, 2005 Rev. Madubuike organized the first investiture of "Ada Ife" and “Ezinne” titles on some deserving mothers and daughters of Abagana and raised over ₦1,000,000 for the roofing of the vicarage. He was transferred to Mgbakwu on January 25, 2006.

The second resident Priest, Rev. Dennis Ezenobi arrived with his family on January 2006 to replace Rev. Madubike. The Vicarage was completed in his own time and he moved in.

The Road To Parish

Rev. Dennis Ezenobi with the consent of members of the church applied to the Diocese of Awka for St. Michael and All Angels' Church to be elevated to a Parish. He was told by the Diocese that with the huge unpaid arrears of Church Assessment, the church could not qualify to be made a parish. When he reported this to a meeting of prominent members of the church, the following members raised money that was paid to reduce the arrears to acceptable level. They are Prof Sir. Eze Magulike, Sir Dr. Anenye Okafor, Prof. S.A.N.D Chidebelu, Mrs. C.S Ezenwa, Sir. Uche Okonkwo, and Mr. Fred Igboaka. Formal application was forwarded to the Diocese. Rev. Ezenobi was transferred on September 19, 2011 and was replaced by Rev. Charles Udeoku. On October 30, 2011, the Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Revd. Alexander Ibezim, Ph.D. visited the church during service with his chaplain. He gave a short sermon after which he pointed out things that needed to be done and promised to visit again within 6 months. Following this the church immediately set up a parish inauguration committee which addressed all the issues pointed out by the Bishop. While the church eagerly awaited the promised Bishop's visit, he came without prior notice in February 2012 and pronounced St. Michael and All Angels’ Abagana a Parish, amid cheers and jubilation from members present. The parish was formally inaugurated on Saturday May 5, 2012 by His Lordship, Rt. Revd. Alexander Chibuzor Ibezim, Ph.D

The New Church Building Under Construction

Rev. Charles Udeoku who replaced Rev. Ezenobi arrived on September 22, 2011. During his time there was clamour for a more befitting church by some church members and the PCC bought the idea. Arch Prof. Chris Akagu from Nimo was mandated to produce a building plan of the new church. His bill was paid by Prof. Sir Eze Magulike. The plan was approved by the Diocese and the turning of the Sod was performed on August 1, 2015 by Rt. Rev. Joseph Musa, Bishop of Idah Diocese representing the Rt. Revd. Alexander C. Ibezim Ph.D, the Bishop of Awka Diocese. Rev. C. Udeoku started assembling materials with financial donations from some members before his transfer on 2nd, September 2016.

Rev. Christian Obijiofor arrived on September 2, 2016. Fund raising chaired by Sir Dr. Anenye Okafor was held in October 2016 to raise money for the new church building. A building committee made up of the following members was elected: Sir Augustine Ezeanata (chairman), Sir Dr. Anenye Okafor, Mr. Raph Lebechukwu, Mr. Chike Akile, and Prof. S.A.N.D Chidebelu and Mr. Chukwudi Chiketa (Secretary). A member of the church, Mr. Raph Lebechukwu, an experienced builder from Achi in Enugu State, won and was awarded the contract to build the foundation of the church. Construction work commenced on March 3, 2017 with the money realized from the launching. Through the efforts of our vibrant, resourceful, and indefatigable Vicar, Rev. Christian Objiofor, work on the new church building has continued with money donated by both members and non-members of the Church. The foundation with the basement has been completed.

In 2019, Mr. Onyeka Chika built and donated to the church a house with multiple modern toilet facilities.

The Church at Onyeanisi

The Nursery/Kindergarten school at Onyeanisi square, Umudunu Abagana has been reconstructed and converted to a church to serve the elderly and children around the area. It was later named St. Paul's Church Onyeanisi. The first and current catechist posted to the church is Mr. Vincent Ndumanya who reports to the Vicar of St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Abagana. The church was built by Evangelist Ugo Ezekwesili in memory of his Late Father Mr. A.N.C Ezekwesili and handed over to St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church.

Lists of Church Workers: From Inception Till Date:

  1. Mr. A. Obidigbo Mgbemena: January 1996 - December 1997 - from Neni.
  2. Mr. Chigbo Onyeagolum: January 1998 - September 1999 - from Mgbakwu.
  3. Mr. Victor C. Okoli: March 2000 - February 2001 - from Umunze.
  4. Mr. Eric Nwanagu: February 2001 - January 2002 - from Awba Ofemili.
  5. Mr. Simon Anyaegbunam: January 2002 - January 2003 - from Ebenebe
  6. Revd. Gilbert O. Madubuike: January 2003 - January 2006 - from Okija.
  7. Revd. Dennis Ezenobi: January 2006 - September 2011 - from Uga.
  8. Revd. Charles Udeoku: September 2011 - September 2016 - from Mgbakwu.
  9. Revd. Christian Obijiofor: September 2016 - till date - from Nanka.