St Johns Anglican Church, Abagana

The history of St. John's Church Abagana started with the establishment of a Kindergarten School in 1948 at Udoeke Square by St. Peter's Church, Abagana as the area around Udoeke Square has a high concentration of people of Anglican faith. Before the emergence of the kindergarten school at Udoeke Square, there was in existence an Udoeke Shrine located therein. The Kindergarten school took off in 1948 in a small thatched mud house. The idea of establishing the kindergarten school was conceived among other things to nurture the young ones who could not attend the vernacular/nursery school at St. Peter's Church. The people who spearheaded the move were Joshua Okonkwo, James Igboeli, David Anigbo, Eleazer Ezeanata, Peter Akudu, John Nonyelu, James Okeke, Christopher Muoemeka Okafor, Julius Okoye, Joseph Nzeako, Matthew Ezenwa among others. Pa Joshua Okonkwo voluntarily donated a parcel of land for the school while Udoeke Community co-operated in further land acquisition especially Anigbo and Ofoka families.

The authorities at St. Peter's Church Abagana from then onwards continued to post nursery school teachers to the newly established kindergarten school at Ezi-Udoeke. The Population of this school grew very fast. In 1962, Revd. (later Ven.) D.I. Ezirim gave the approval for children's service to be conducted at the kindergarten school. Archdeacon D.I. Ezirim was the superintendent of Abagana Anglican district at the time. Among the people who conducted the services included but not limited to the following: Messrs Patrick Ejeano, Fred Ughammadu, Richard Achusi, Miss Comfort Okonkwo later Lady Comfort Nwalusi. The, Udoeke kindergarten School in 1965 under the management of Headmaster of the Central School, Mr. Erastus Okechukwu was upgraded to junior primary school as a campus of the Central School, Abagana. Lack of space for expansion became a threat to the fast growing school but through the combined efforts of the Abagana Anglican People's Congress and Bernard Okonkwo, Polycarp Okolise, D.N.C. Okafor among others, more parcels of land were acquired for the school and for church building. There were protracted court cases from some families restraining further acquisition of land. It was then that the land on which St. John's Church building now stands was acquired while the present school hall then being used as a place of worship was that Junior Primary School approved in 1965.

During the Nigerian/Biafra Civil war that lasted from 1967-1970, the Udoeke School hall was used for adult services because St. Peter's church was fully in the war front. During that period Mr. Philip Aduaka became the acting catechist assisted by Messrs Richard Achusi and Mark Ezeanata. When the war ended, its use for adult services continued and that was under Rev. Canon D.I. Ezenwa until St. Peter's Church was reconstructed. Rev. Canon I.C. Okafor 1979-1982 strengthened the conduct of children's services which were conducted in the school hall. Those children services were conducted by Mrs. Selina Anaenyeonu, Mr. Nathaniel Ogbuchimalu Okoye, Mr. Nelson Okolo and Mrs. P. Nwandu. Soon after, early morning prayer for adult was added. Gradually, adults especially the aged who could not easily make it to St. Peter's church began to attend church services there. Other adults followed suit and the rapid growth of the congregation was witnessed. As a result of the population explosion of the congregation, the conductors of children/adult services namely Messrs Nathaniel Ogbuchimalu Okoye, Nelson Okolo and Mrs. Selina Anaenyeonu and others reported the explosion to the then superintendent of St. Peter's Church, Venerable G.C. Ubaka 1982-1988. Accompanying the report was a request for a resident catechist for the fast growing children/ adult service at Udoeke School hall.

Consequently, in January 1986, the first resident church teacher Mr. ThankGod Ezeanyi was posted to take charge for the fast growing congregation at Udoeke. It was also in 1986 that it received official recognition for holding church services for adults from the superintendent of St. Peter's Church, Rev. Canon (later Ven.) G.C. Ubaka of blessed memory. In 1988, it was christened St. John's Church, Abagana and became a full fledged church which commenced payment of assessment in 1989. The second catechist posted to the church was Mr. Clifford Ezugha, an energetic, dynamic and resourceful young man. He came in 1988 and left in 1989. One fact unique about St. John's Church is that in most places, it is the church that gave birth to schools but in the case of St. John, it is the school that gave birth to a church. At this point in time, the Udoeke School hall was still serving as St. John's Church. In March 1989, Mr. Timothy (now Rev. Canon) was posted to the church. Catechist Timothy made his impact in his missionary work particularly in separation of the church structures from those of the school which started that same year 1989, while his tenure lasted. A.A.P.C appointed a task force with Chief S.M. Odoh as the chairman and Mr. D.N.C. Okafor as the secretary. The task force was charged with the duty of commencing work on separate structure for the church, beginning with a parsonage instead of a church building. This decision to go on with the construction of the parsonage first very much favoured the church because nobody could have thought of a church, the type of which was later built. The task force was provided with a take-off sum and was instructed to source for more funds locally and elsewhere. The A.A.P.C later augumented the take-off fund with the sum of seventy-five thousand (₦75,000.00) only. It was under the inspiring leadership of Catechist Timothy that the parsonage was decked in 1991. Timothy however left in 1992 with most portions of the ground floor completed. Thus catechist V.C Okonkwo (now Rev.) who succeeded Timothy was the first occupant of the newly built parsonage in 1993.

St. John's Church grew fast both in membership and in financial strength under Catechist Raphael Agbanaje (son of the soil) who succeeded his predecessor, Catechist (now Rev.) Victor Okonkwo. When the idea of setting up the church building crystallized, the meeting of "concerned members" of St. John's Church fixed January 1, 1995 for a meeting of all the members of St. John's Church, Home and Abroad to elect Home and Abroad members of executive for men and women. Prior to the meeting called by the "concerned members", December 1995 had been slated for the launching of the church building fund. The meeting decided that something must be done before 24th December 1995, the day slated for launching of building fund to show seriousness of members to build the church. Easter Sunday of 1995 was then chosen and fixed as a date all members would come with their donations with which to mark a start before the main launching of 24th December, 1995. At this point in time, the physical development of the church was directed mainly by the men's Home and Abroad meeting led by Sir Dr. John C. Ezenwa of blessed memory as president. They were supported by the women Home and Abroad meeting presided over by Lady Dr. Felicia Ezenwa. The Easter Sunday internal money raising was a great success. The response was both enthusiastic and tremendous. Donations poured in from all and sundry, in cash and in pledges. The leadership was with this, encouraged to go ahead with the plan to build a befitting church in St. John.

At this juncture, a building committee was set up led by Chief Sir Edwin Anaenyeonu as its Chairman, Ifeanyi Ajaoku as Secretary, Mr. Philip Anago as payment officer, Mr. C.C. Nwobi Okoye as Fin. Secretary, Ichie (Sir) George Ezenwa as Treasurer and Architect Chris Akagu as Architect and designer. The Committee was charged with the production of church building plan which would be presented to the Bishop for approval. The selected plan was thereafter presented to the Bishop of the Diocese then, the Most Rev. M.S.C Anikwenwa who approved same. Upon approval by the Bishop, Architect Christian Akagu was commissioned to prepare the drawings. The building of the church started mid June 1995 when the site was cleared and building materials assembled. By December 1995 before the main launching of the building fund, labour and materials had gulped ₦736,971.00 yet the foundation level had not been reached. The gigantic nature of the structure made tongues to wag, passing some unfavorable, irritating and mocking comments. It is of note that the omnipotent God made name for himself on 24th December, 1995. When certain people made attempt to describe what happened that day, words failed them. The Church was completed in a record time of four years. Elaborate arrangements were made for the launching by inviting people from far and near. The Archdeacon of Abagana Ven. J.O.A Emesi, who preached the sermon described the launching as epoch making because St. Peter's Church whose foundation stone was laid in 1933 was having a son and a second church building after 62 years. He prophesied that with time St. John's Church will give birth to Churches in Abagana. His Excellency, the former Deputy Governor of Anambra State Mr. Vincent Aniago who was the chairman of the occasion admonished the decampees who left in order to shelve off responsibilities. What else other than that donations started pouring in during the launching. Among others Sir. Dr. J.C. Ezenwa donated ₦50,000.00, Chief Ephraim Ilonze (Enyi Abagana) ₦80,000.00. Everybody made efforts to get himself or herself registered, the size of his/her pocket notwithstanding. St John's Women Home and Abroad donated ₦250,000.00. Our brethren of the Roman Catholic Faith were not left out. Chief A.A.O. Ezenwa (Agbalanze Abagana) was present and donated ₦10,000.00. Non indigenes of Abagana responded enthusiastically. Chief Ike Anajemba (Ikemba Ogidi) donated ₦500,000.00, Sir and Lady Ibeto donated ₦15,000.00, Chief Emma Nwude (Owelle Abagana), the Chief launcher topped the list by donating ₦1,000,000.00 cash. Members were overwhelmingly elated and mad with joy. Tears of joy filled the air. Ovations upon ovations filled the atmosphere. Over 2.1 million Naira was realized at the launching.

Judging by the rate of donations from members vis a vis the cost of building the church, St. John's Church would not have been ready in the next fifty years from its start but the Almighty God in His grand design sent St. John's Church a noble son to build a befitting place of worship for him at Udoeke shrine. Chief Emmanuel Nwude (Owelle Abagana) unassumingly and unannounced continued to donate money as soon as he found that what he had donated had been used most judiciously. He awarded contract and paid for the following: electrical wiring and fittings, steel structure, roofing, glazing, ceiling, terrazzo, pews, marble altar, pulpit lectern, conductor's desk, chancery, altar rail, painting of the church etc. He saw to it that work continued unabated at the church site. Chief Emmanuel Nwude decorated the Church with the best furnishings available in the market. He is patriotic, humanitarian and a shining example of charity and generosity worthy of emulation. His contribution to the church building was estimated to be not less than Twenty Million Naira (₦20, 000,000.00).

Ven J.O. A. Emesi, the then Archdeacon of Abagana played a great role that metamorphosed into the establishment of St. John's Church in 1991. He also engineered the formation of St. John's Home and Abroad Men's meeting which took off in January 1995. This Home and Abroad meeting took all the decisions relating to the church and raised lots of money through launching and harvests. In March 1995, the Archdeacon's wife allowed St. John's women to hold its first separate Mothering Sunday and in August 1995, she inaugurated Home and Abroad meeting for St. John's women. This grant of autonomy to the women ushered in a tremendous financial boost to St. John's Church because of the money that flowed into the coffers of the church from the various women groups and the main body. It is noteworthy that while the construction of the church building was on, the members of the building committee under the chairmanship of Chief Eddy Anaenyeonu supervised work at the site on daily basis under a specifically drawn timetable. They exhibited their prudence in management of resources when they made purchases at the cheapest market. The committee payment officer Mr. Philip Aniago patiently paid the workers and submitted details to the financial secretary for preparation of the payment vouchers for proper accountability.

It must be mentioned however that what pushed Chief Emma Nwude (Owelle Abagana) to continue to finance the project was the astute prudence in financial management, integrity and accountability by the executive. The devotion to duty by the financial secretary, Mr. C.C. Nwobi Okoye was exceptional. He kept honest financial records of income and expenditure and scrutinized the bills. He was one of the leading sources of intellectual strength in the actualization of the vision of St. John. The Treasurer, Sir Ichie George Ezenwa made several sacrifices. He was always daily at church site as engineer, architect, mason etc. all to make sure that nothing went wrong in the plan and the materials used. Remarkable also is the commitment of the president general of St. John's Church, Dr. (Sir) J.C. Ezenwa who attended parochial committee meetings and Men's Home and Abroad meetings from Umuahia regularly every month, fuel or no fuel, to see that things went on as planned. He gave a dynamic, inspiring and purposeful leadership. The inputs of Chief Louis Okonkwo deserve mention. As the chairman of Harvest committee, he raised lots of money and being a building contractor, he was very helpful to the church. The contributions of Chief G.C. Nzeako, the vice president deserve special recognition with regards to his moral and financial commitments, vision and frank views. He donated a Yamaha electric organ for worship to St. John's Anglican Church, Abagana. The success story of St. John's Anglican Church will not be complete without mentioning the names of other people who made significant contributions in one way or the other. Chief Clement Ogbuze provided the men with leadership while Mrs. Grace Nzeako provided leadership to the women at the initial stages when several members doubted the possibility of realizing the St. John's vision.

The contributions of Architect Chris Akagu deserve special mention and recognition. He attended our meetings and supervised the project free of charge. He did not charge any professional fees for the design and drawings of the church he produced. He designed a spacious ultra modern church building with no columns and pillars inside to obstruct the view of the altar. The chancel provides a suitable accommodation for priests. The slight of steps and the Corinthian columns at the western entrance into the church are marvelous. The robing rooms for priests and the choir are commodious. Suitable office spaces and conveniences for the priests and the congregation are provided within the church building. The church was described by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. M.S.C. Anikwenwa as “a big ocean liner or super jumbo jet”. To God be the glory.

The workforce was wonderful. Mr. Leonard Okafor who supervised the whole workforce until his death was a capable hand. Sir George Ezenwa, a pharmacist voluntarily took over the supervision free of charge till the church was dedicated. Under him some features not in the original plan were added by the committee of Home and Abroad meeting. Such features include stone facing, Abagana symbol, spacious basement and a gallery for gospel band.

Without the honesty and sense of duty of Mrs. Christiana Okafor, the site clerk, there would not have been any accountability. She was all the time with the workforce receiving and issuing materials and recording all transactions and workforce each day. Payment vouchers were prepared based on the information supplied by her.

St. John's women collectively ranked second to Chief Emma Nwude in the financial contributions for the church building. Under the leadership of Lady Felicia Ezenwa and her assistant Mrs. Winnie Nwandu lots of money were raised for St. John. They also provided the beautiful items of furniture for use by the priest in the chancel.
Mr. V. A Aniago donated the Bishop’s throne and the processional cross. He also donated trees and flowers for the beautification of the church premises and flower pots for the inside.

The foundation stone of St. John’s Church was laid on 13th day of November, 1999 by his Lordship Rt. Rev. M.S.C. Anikwenwa. He was assisted by Ven. N.N. Iwenofu of St. Faith's Deanery, Awka, Ven. Dr. C.A. Mbachu, Rev. Canon W.C Igboanugo, the acting Archdeacon of Abagana and twenty six other priests' amidst felicitations. At this point in time much of the work on the church building, except the tower was completed the following year and the building was dedicated for service on 24th December, 1999. Our son, catechist Raphael Agbanaje worked doggedly for the completion and dedication of the church building and he was the last church teacher that manned the church before the posting of a priest to the church. St. John's Church therefore became the first full fledged church that arose out of St. Peter's Church. In February 2001, Rev. Mike Nwakalor now retired and his wife Virginia were posted as the first priest to the church. Thus the story of St John's Church has been one of total commitment to God; total loyalty from the followership, and total confidence in the leadership. Involvement of the members was total and God Almighty crowned their efforts with astonishing success within a period of four years.

This is how it came to be that the erstwhile forest and shrine of Udoeke deity is housing one of the most magnificent and prestigious Anglican Church in Nigeria. Thus ‘chaos and darkness heard the word of Almighty God and took flight, giving way to light’.

In continuation of God's work, Prof. Manny Aniebonam and family donated the sum of Eighty Thousand Naira (₦80,000.00) specifically for acquisition of Parish status. When this was done, on 24th February, 2002 the inauguration of St. John's Church as a Parish and dedication of the vicarage took place.

The new priest commenced the construction of a bungalow for church workers on 15th March, 2003. But this was later changed to church Hall building.

On 14th March, the first Vicar arrived in the person of Rev. Canon Timothy Nzelu with the wife Eunice. By this time, work on the house for church workers was suspended by the Bishop following the controversy that it was a waste of the church's scarce land. Rev. Canon Nzelu's induction/installation ceremony took place on Sunday 29th February 2004. Meanwhile, the church tower/belfry project at St. John's started following a One Million Naira (₦1m) donated by the Chief financier, Chief Emma Nwude in June 2004. For the sake of evangelism, Canon Nzelu conducted service at Uruokpala village square on Sunday 16th January, 2005. On acquisition of Uruokpala village Hall as a temporal place of worship, the first matins was held on Sunday 23rd January 2005. There was about 146 parishioners in attendance. Soon the baton changed, Revd. (now Canon) Bernard Obiekwe and wife arrived as the second Vicar on Tuesday 13th February 2005. As at August 2005, a regular 7am. Sunday service went on at the baby church in Uruokpala, it was later referred to as church II with the assistance of Mr. (now Rev.) Chibuzor Chinyeaka while the then AYF leader, Mr. Dan Maduagwuna acted as unofficial Pastor's warden.

History was made at St. John on 29th June, 2008 when there was a mass baptism of 39 children and 1 adult, during Rev. Obiekwe's tenure. The Home and Abroad women initiated and dug foundation for church Hall in addition to L 300 Nisan bus earlier bought in 2005. Rev. (now Canon) Emmanuel Obienyem and wife took over on 6th of March, 2010. The church hall project could not progress due to lack of finance. At the funeral service of the President of Home and Abroad Men - His Excellency, Mr. Vin Aniago on 28th September, 2012; the State Governor, Mr. Peter Obi pledged to complete it so as to immortalize this one-time Deputy Governor of Anambra State. However, nothing was done to this effect.

On 29th September, 2013, Revd. Obienyem was succeeded by Rev. Canon Rex C. Kanu and wife Justina. He had an assistant priest, Rev. Patrick C. Chinwuko. In September, 2014 the assistant priest was replaced by Rev. Oluchukwu D. Okonkwo. The Church project was resumed gradually with the little donations realized.

Fortunately, during the electioneering campaign in January 2015, Rev. Canon Rex Kanu attracted a politician and philanthropist to the church in the person of Prince Engr. Arthur Eze who donated the sum of ₦10m (Ten Million Naira) for the church needs. With this, the vicar purchased a standard generating set, brand new 14-seater Toyota Bus, cleared assessments, and raised the church hall to decking level, as well he bought other amenities for the church use. He made the English Matins at St. John's Church regular on Sundays and effectively covered the Church II at Uruokpala which was later named All Saints' Church, Abagana during 2012 Synod at Ichida. In July 2015, Rev. Canon Rex Kanu left on secondment to assist his friend, the new Bishop of Niger West Diocese. Another Canon and Vicar, Rev Canon Emmanuel I. Ubaekwena and wife replaced him. He was assisted by Rev. Donatus Chikelue. Canon Emmanuel reconstituted the church Hall building committee. The Home and Abroad Women donated a huge sum of money used in gathering materials for the decking of the hall. With the frequent relocation of St. John's church workers, on September 2017, Ven. Dr. Wilson Anowia and wife took over as the sixth Vicar. Ven. Anowia quickly mobilized the congregation and within his short stay successfully decked the Church Hall (like the Biblical Nehemiah). He was suddenly relocated and replaced by Rev. Canon Rex Kanu in May 2018. That was Canon (now Ven.) Rex Kanu's second missionary journey. However, it was a very short stay. In September 2018, he was posted out with his assistants, Revd. Donatus Chikelue and Revd. Christian Onuora.

On September 2018, Rev. Canon Jason Oge Zikora Onyeakagbusi and wife, Ujunwa took over. His assistant/curate was Rev. Cyril Jideofor. By 13th September, 2019, Revd. Cyril was replaced by Revd. Christian Nkem Okafor. The dynamic Canon Jason reorganized the Anglican Youth Fellowship to be more functional, organized a 2-day Men's conference which attracted more than eighty men (both Home and Abroad), and eventual election of the executives. Work on the Hall gradually continued with more blocks procured and the walls raised, beautification of the Church altar with wall tiles and re-rugging; courtesy of Sir Surv. Ifeanyi Ajaoku. This was another milestone. A committee was set up to plan the 20th anniversary of dedication of the church and it was successfully carried out on 29th December, 2019. To God be the glory.

It is worthy to note that St. John's Parish Abagana is marching on. The Home and Abroad Women Group has remained her livewire like the Biblical ministering women. Mention must be made about the Angel voices - the choir, which has maintained first position at Diocesan Music Festivals and other similar competitions. The Choristers are more than sixty in number, have an indefatigable Music Director, Sir Ugo Onwuka as well as a sponsor and financier, Ichie Sir George Ezenwa (Ononenyi Abagana). Today, St. John's Abagana can boast of numerous illustrious sons in the ministry. They include:

  • Venerable Victor Ifeanyi Akunna
  • Revd Canon Levi Akunna (Rtd.)
  • Rev. Canon Nnamdi Ajaoku
  • Rev. Raphael Ezeanata (Late)
  • Rev. Nonso Salvation Ukekwe
  • Rev, Christian C. Ezeikolo
  • Rev. Chibuzor Chinyeaka
  • Rev. Onyeka Chukwuakom
  • Rev. Matthew Onyeka Onochie